Sunday, November 16, 2014

Olives Fingers

Olives Fingers


Black olives pitted 16
Stuffed green olives 8
Olive oil 2 teaspoons
Cherry tomatoes 8-10
Salt to taste
Crushed black peppercorns to taste
Crushed red chillies 1 teaspoon
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Red capsicum roasted 1/2 medium
Aam papad 4-5
Basil leaves 8-10


Heat olive oil in a non-stick pan, add cherry tomatoes, black olives, green olives, salt, crushed peppercorns, crushed chillies and lemon juice and sauté lightly. Transfer into a bowl.
Cut roasted capsicum and aam papad in medium sized pieces.
Arrange ingredients on small satay sticks in the following order: capsicum piece, green olive, black olive and cherry tomato. Fold and insert a basil leaf. Insert a black olive and aam papad piece at the end.
Arrange the sticks on a serving plate and serve immediately.

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