Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Olive And Potato Balls

Olive  And  Potato  Balls


Green olives 5
Black olives 5
Potatoes boiled, peeled and mashed 4 medium
Oil for deep-frying
Garlic 5 cloves
Fresh basil leaves 12-15
Pine nuts(chilgoza) 1 tablespoon
Parmesan cheese grated 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Onion 2 medium
Extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons
Refined flour (maida) 2 teaspoon
Bread crumbs 3/4 cup


Heat sufficient oil in a kadai Roughly chop green and black olives. Chop garlic, basil leaves and pine nuts. Place all these in a bowl, add Parmesan cheese, half the mashed potatoes and mix well. Set aside. Place the remaining potatoes in another bowl, add salt and mix well. Finely chop onions.
Heat extra virgin olive oil in a non-stick pan, add the onions and sauté till soft.
Add this to the potatoes in the second bowl and mix. Add 2 tsps refined flour and mix. Shape the potato-olive mixture into small marble sized balls and cover them with the potato-onion mixture.
Roll into smooth balls. Mix 2 tbsps refined flour and a little salt with a little water to make a thick batter.
Dip the potato balls in the flour batter, roll in breadcrumbs and slide into hot oil. Deep fry till golden and crisp. (If the balls break, then coat them in flour batter and breadcrumbs again.) Drain on absorbent paper and serve with a sauce of your choice.

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