Monday, August 25, 2014

Upvas Bhajani Thalipeeth

Upvas  Bhajani  Thalipeeth


Sago/ Sabudana – 1/4  kg
Vari/Bhagar (Morayo or Samo seeds) – 1/4 kg
Rajgira- 200 gm
Cumin seeds (jeera)- 1 spoon
Roast  sago, vari, rajgira separately till their colour turns pink.
 Don’t burnt it. Cool it & grind in grinder into powder( not too finely ) orgrind from flour mill. Store in airtight jar & dry place.

Upvas bhajani (above mentioned mix flour)- 1 ½ cup
Potato, boiled or raw grated - 2 medium  size
Roasted peanut crush- 2 to 4 tbsp
Red chilly powder or green chillies - 1 tsp
Sugar- ½ tsp, if u like
Salt to taste
Oil or clarified butter (ghee)- as required for frying
Water or butter milk- ½ cup
Coriander handful


Mash boiled potatoes or grated raw potatoes.  Crush coarsely peanuts. Combine above mix flour in a bowl, potatoes, crushed peanuts, sugar, red chilli powder, coriander & salt to taste. Knead with water or butter milk.
Keep the dough aside for 5 minutes.
Divide the dough in 5 to 6 parts. Apply some oil or ghee on a pan. Pat this dough with hands in pan. Make holes for pour oil. Make both the sides golden brown, and your tasty thalipeeth is ready to eat. Serve hot with curd and sweet lime pickle.

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