Monday, May 23, 2016

Walnuts And Dates Ladoo Coated With Cocoa Powder

Walnuts And Dates Ladoo Coated With Cocoa Powder


Dates seedless, 200gms chopped ...
Apple juice 1 cup
Cinnamon 1 stick
Walnuts roasted and chopped 1/2 cup
Sponge cake crumbs 1 cup
Cocoa powder as required to coat


Heat apple juice in a pan add dates and cook. Add cinnamon stick .Mix and cook till dates are soft and the mixture is a little dry.
Remove the cinnamon stick and transfer the mixture into a glass bowl. Add walnuts chopped and mix . Add sponge cake crumbs and mix well .Let the mixture cool in the refrigerator.
Shape into ladoos . Roll in cocoa powder and garnish with walnut.
Serve .

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