Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sukat Ani Batata Lipte

Sukat  Ani  Batata  Lipte

     250gms.Dried Shrimp( Sukhi Karandi / Sukat )
    5 hot Green Chillies
    1tbsp.Fish Masala Powder
    2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
    1tsp.Turmeric Powder
    1tsp.Asafoetida (Hing)Powder
    Salt to taste
    few kokum petals
    5tbsps Oil
    1small bunch Fresh Coriander Leaves to garnish

Remove the head and the tiny tail of the Dried Shrimps and wash the Shrimps clean under the Tap in a Colander to remove excess Salt.Set aside to drain.
Peel and dice the Potatoes in even sized pieces and chop the onions and tomatoes finely.Slit the hot Green Chillies lengthwise and mince the Coriander Leaves very finely.

Heat Oil in a non-stick Wok and lower flame.Add the Asafoetida Powder and  kokum petals saute for 30 seconds.Fry the onions till almost browned.Add the slit green Chillies , ginger garlic paste
and fry till crisp and golden.Add in the diced Potatoes and fry till the aroma of the Vegetables wafts up.Add the Turmeric Powder and fry for 1 minute more.Now stir in the Chopped Tomatoes,Curry Powder and Salt to taste.Cover and cook with a little Water on the lid for 7-10 minutes on low flame till Potatoes are almost cooked.Add the drained Shrimp and steam covered for a further 7-10 minutes till well steamed and cooked through.Garnish with finely minced Coriander Leaves and shredded Raw Coconut and serve hot as a side dish with your meal.This tastes very good if teamed with hot steamed Rice and Dal, Chapati or Bhakari.

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