Monday, June 22, 2015

Lotus Stem - Nadru Ki Bhajiya

Lotus Stem -  Nadru  Ke  Bhajiye


1 cup  lotus stem slices
Oil for frying
4 tbsp gram flour
Salt to taste
Crushed Black Pepper to taste
1 - 2 tsp red chilli powder  or as per taste

For Batter

1 cup gram flour
2 tsp chilli flakes
1 /2  turmeric powder
Salt to taste
1 - 2 tsp carom seeds

For Garnish
Sweet Chilly Sauce as required


To prepare batter in a bowl add gram flour, chilli flakes, turmeric powder, salt, carom seeds,
 water and mix well. Rest for 10 to 12 minutes.
Chop lotus stem into slices. Heat oil in a pan for frying.
In a bowl add gram flour, salt, crushed black pepper and mix well.
Put the lotus stem slices in gram flour mixture and add red chilli powder.
Coat these lotus stem slices in the batter and fry them in hot oil. Further remove them on a tissue paper.
Place butter paper in the dish and arrange the lotus stem bhajiya. Serve with  sweet chilly sauce.

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