Thursday, May 21, 2015

Vegetables and Cheese Quiche

Vegetables and Cheese Quiche

Short Crust Pastrt For Quiche 's  Base


145 grams all-purpose flour (about 1 cup)
½ teaspoon  salt
1 stick cold unsalted butter (1/4 pound), cut in 1/8-inch pieces
3 tablespoons ice water


1. Put flour and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer or food processor.
Add butter and quickly cut it into flour until mixture resembles coarse meal.
2. Add ice water and mix briefly, about 30 seconds, to form a soft dough.
Remove dough, shape into a thick disk, wrap in plastic and
refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
 Bring to cool room temperature before rolling.
3. To roll, lightly flour dough and counter. Roll out gradually, periodically letting dough rest for a moment before continuing. This makes rolling easier and will keep dough from shrinking back during baking.
4. Roll dough to a thin round approximately 13 inches in diameter, then trim to make a 12-inch circle (refrigerate and save trimmings for patching). Lay dough loosely into a 9 1/2-inch fluted tart pan with removable bottom, letting it relax a bit. Fold overlap back inside to make a double thickness, then press firmly against the pan so the finished edge is slightly higher than the pan. Refrigerate or freeze for an hour before pre-baking.


A large  onion.
1-2 bell peppers. Red ,Yellow and green make for a color combination.
Spinach, fresh
1/4 cup Red Cabbage Juliennes
2-3 Onion green leaves
2-3 Tbsp. olive oil or butter
2-3 cups of grated cheese- mozerrella
3-4 eggs
Some milk
dashes of salt, pepper, paprika and cayenne


Chop the onion into bite-sized pieces.
Chop the bell peppers into bite-sized pieces. Remove the seeds and stem.
Saute the vegetables
Sauté the onions and peppers in the olive oil or butter. Drain off any excess liquid.
Prepare the spinach. If you are using fresh spinach, sauté it . 
If you are using frozen spinach, thaw it. Drain or squeeze out excess liquid.
Slice the Spring onions greeens
Saute red cabbage

Blind bake the crusts for 2-3 minutes.
Grate the cheese.
Fill the crusts.

Arrange the sautéed vegetables in the pie shells, then add the scallions and spinach.

Add cheese.
Place the grated cheese on top of the vegetables.
Beat the eggs and milk, and season.

Beat 3-4 eggs
 Add some milk to the mixture with dashes of salt, pepper, paprika and a little cayenne.
 After the crust is filled to the top with cheese, and vegetables, pour in the liquid mixture
 to the top.
Bake the quiches at 180 C F for 45 minutes or until done.
The egg mixture should set up, so it is no longer liquid in the middle,
and a knife inserted in the middle should come out clean.
Allow to cool for a few minutes, then slice and enjoy.

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