Friday, May 15, 2015

Chilli Basil Icecream

Chilli   Basil   Icecream


 1 cup milk
 1 cup cream
 1 cup milk powder
 2 tbsp chopped basil leaves
 2 tbsp chilli flakes
 ½ can milkmaid
 2 tbsp chilli powder


 Blend milk, cream and milk powder in equal quantities.
 Heat the blended mixture in a pan. Add chopped basil leaves and chilli flakes
 to this mixture and keep stirring.
 Now add milkmaid in this mixture and let it boil for some time.
 Pour this mixture in a  plastic box and add fresh basil leaves on top of it.
 Freeze this mixture overnight.
 Dust some chilli powder on ice-cream scoops.
 Serve with a wedge of cake.

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