Friday, May 15, 2015

Belgaum Kunda

Belgaum Kunda


2 cups fresh home made cottage cheese crumbled well.
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
pinch of cardamom powder
Slivers of nuts to garnish
2 tbsp ghee/ melted butter


Take a thick pan, add the sugar and do not add water, let it caramelize by melting,
 when completely melted, add 1 tbsp  butter or ghee and switch off.
Quickly take another pan and add the crumbled paneer, add 1 cup of milk,
keep to boil on a low flame,  and add the caramel prepared  before it solidifies.
In case it starts forming crystals, keep some boiling water ready and carefully
add some very hot water to the thickening caramel sauce, then add the mixture
to the cooking paneer  with milk.
Add a pinch of cardamom, check for sugar taste, if necessary, add more
 powdered sugar later to adjust sweetness.Add 1 more tbsp of ghee/ melted butter.
Keep cooking on a very low flame till completely reduced to a thick , grainy smooth
mass almost dough like.
Remove from pan, let it cool, garnish with slivers of nuts.
Belgaum kunda is  ready to be devoured.

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