Friday, January 2, 2015

Chilli Chocolate Brownie

Chilli   Chocolate   Brownie With  Icecream


Butter : 100 gms
Sugar : ½ cup
All purpose flour : 1 cup
Cocoa Powder : 1 tsp.
Chocolate Chips : ¼ cup
Dark Chocolate : 1 slab
Eggs : 2 nos.
Red Chilli Powder : 1 tsp.
 Walnuts as needed

For Garnish :
Chocolate Sauce


Pre-heat the oven on 180 degree.
In a bowl, add butter, whisk it.
Add sugar in a bowl & whisk it again.
Strain the all purpose flour, cocoa powder , add it in another bowl.
Add chocolate chips &  chopped dark chocolate in bowl ,mix well.
In third bowl, add eggs &  whisk it.
Now add the chocolate mixture in butter mixture ,mix it.
Add whisked egg in a chocolate butter mixture , mix well.
Add Red chilli powder in a mixture & mix it.
Pour the mixture in baking pan.
Bake it in oven for 30-40 minutes.
De-mould & ; slice the brownie
Garnish with chocolate sauce,
Your Chilli  Chocolate  Brownie With Icecream  is ready.

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