Monday, September 1, 2014

Pan Fried Spine Gourd Fritters ( Kantolichi Bhaji )

Pan Fried Spine Gourd Fritters ( Kantolichi Bhaji )


10 spine gourds
Salt, as per taste
About 1/2 cup fine rice flour
1 1/2 tsp red chilli powder (according to taste)
1/4 tsp asafoetida powder
1 tsp cumin powder (optional)
A little more salt, if necessary, to taste
About 1/4 cup oil, for pan frying


Wash the spine gourds well, and trim both ends. Slice them lengthwise into 4 or 5 slices of uniform thickness and then sprinkle the 1/2 tsp salt over this. Toss well to coat the slices uniformly and keep aside for 10 minutes. This will flavour the slices with salt. It will also make them release a little liquid which will help the dry rice flour-spice powder stick to them well.
In the meanwhile, mix together the rice flour, chilli powder, cumin powder (if using), asafoetida and salt a small bowl. Just add a little salt as the spine gourd slices have already been slated.
Now press each spine gourd slice into the rice flour-spice powder so that it coats both sides really well and sticks to them.
Heat about half the oil in a shallow and flat pan or griddle and place the flour-spice coated slices gently on it, in a single layer. Turn down the heat to medium and let the slices fry in the oil. After a couple of minutes, gently flip them over and let them cook on the other side as well. Cook the slices until they’re crisp and a nice golden brown on both sides.
Place on paper towels and serve immediately (slightly warm) as a side dish with rice and a curry. This can also be served as a snack with some sauce for evening tea.

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