Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Crunchy Mango Ice Cream

Crunchy Mango Ice Cream


1/2 liter milk
1 cup sugar
2 cup mango pulp
2 cup cream
1 tbsp corn flour
1/2 cup sugar, for crunch

First of all take half cup sugar in a pan and add 3 tbsp water in it and heat it on low flame. When sugar melts completely then spread it in thin layer in some tray.
When it cools down then chop it with knife. Your crunch is ready now for your ice cream.
Heat milk in a pan and add sugar in it. In a bowl dissolve corn flour in cold milk.
When milk start boiling then add corn flour mixture in it and keep stirring. Now remove it from heat.
Mix cream and mango pulp with electric beater. Add milk mixture in it and mix it.
Add crunch in it and freeze it for 6-8 hours.
Yummy ice cream is ready to eat.

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